Anna Banana is such a joy! & Her naughty behavior is hilarious (I'm working on being the adult, & disciplining, instead of just laughing) The photos above are of a painting session where she was rubbing the paintbrush in her ear! She is really really naughty in a smart way, that I wouldn;t expect at her young age. The other night at dinner she was eating some mixed vegetables & they were disapearing, thinking that she was eating them, I'd give her a few more. I look over to see her putting them all in her sleeve! She will take something of Sophia;s making sure that Sophia knows that she has it & will take off running. She glares, & will stomp & yell if she doesn;t like something . Of course all that naughty is mixed in with snuggles, kisses, baby doll holding, & lots of sweetness.
We love you Anna! & you crack us up!
Why are your pictures so little? hehe!
her hair looks so blonde! are you sure she isn't getting her technique from her mama??
ps. right now you are at a hotel all by yourself and i am SOOO jealous! have a great time! if i was there i'd pinch you!
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