Maybe I saved the photos too small this time... anyway, I hope that you can see how much crazy snow we've had this winter. The few times we've been out we have had SO MUCH FUN! Now that Anna can move in all that gear she loves to be out. Thank goodness! I need to be out & I need both girls to need & want to be out. :) The first 2 pics are of Anna's first puddle splashing. We really spent a lot of time splashing in puddles last spring & now it is so fun to see her enjoy it too. Can;t wait to see her expression when she gets a glimpse of the enormous earth worms out here- they leave tracks on the dirt driveway.
As I'm writing this I'm laughing at Sophia who is upstairs on the potty singing VERY loudly "Dina won;t you blow your horn" whatever works. he hee. Ok better run, we're playing a game of "find that hidden toy" & it's my turn to find it....
Glad you're alive in all that snow!!
love the picture of the boots and there are few things cuter/funnier than anna in her snowsuit! (maybe her running in a leotard??!)
love it!
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