Last night I was telling Vance the things that Sophia is into right now. In response, he said, Why not update the blog so that you will remember them. Brilliant. So here are 5 things the girls are interested in as of today :)
1. The letter "S" she is thrilled to find it anywhere. Her name is thrilling- she likes to trace it over & over & over
2. weather- they talk about weather at school and now we try & find it on the computer & talk about it- a lot
3. puddles/rainy days- who doesn't like to splash in mud puddles?
4. Dreams- she got me the other day- I said so did you have a dream last night? She told me this detailed & elaborate story. I was impressed. She asked if I had had a dream that night. I said not last night. Her response: Well, just make up one like I just did. hee hee
5. Songs- We have the same cd in the car that we like (I liked it better a few weeks ago) & now Sophia will sing the songs on the "stage"= fireplace & put shows on for us. So very cute!
1. Anything Sophia is doing.
2. Frogs & birds- she can say the words
3. Puddles- again, who wouldn't like to splash.
4. Babies- we have SO many baby dolls &
5. Friends & daddy- when our friends come to visit she squeals & runs around. When daddy gets home she runs around yelling "Dadda, dadda, daddda, daddda" So happy to see him !!!!