Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Catch up time...

So, my wonderful husband (love ya! :)) was giving me grief this morning about updating my art blog more then the family blog, so to prove my love for my family :) I will renew my efforts in keeping this updated...
I will start with how silly (top photo) & grown up (bottom photo) the girls are. LOVE THEM!!
These photos say it all, (Kim at mimsydotes was the photographer, she is amazing. She is so so very good at capturing their personalities :) Look at them compared to the banner. They were oh so little there!

Going back thru the old posts, there is SO much that has happened on the farm, so I will update on the milking, & the critters that have grown up, but that will be for tomorrows update :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

tisket a tasket, 8 bazillion eggs in a basket

tisket a tasket, 8 bazillion eggs in a basket....
Our Chick-chicks are in laying over-drive. We go to the barn & gather up around 2 doz a day! Here are a few pics of the beautiful range of colors.
And because, it's almost Easter, & we have plastic eggs around the house, we are REALLY all about eggs here.

Anna, being silly with her plastic eggs. She has been hiding them around the house for us to find since the beginning of April.

The eggs in their cozy containers.

Thanks chick-chicks, our friends & neighbors just love these!

Sophia's designed paper eggs! Each one had it's own personality & voice :)

I had no idea, before getting the chickens, that eggs came in such a variety of colors!

Monday, April 11, 2011

First Spring Baby- Smores Spots Schumacher

Wow it's finally spring again! & Spring here means a lot of new animals ( like we really NEED new ones, but they are oh so cute, so how can we resist?) 

This isn't the new baby... this is Vance holding Pinkie, she was born Oct 2010. Still so cute!

Not the baby either :) This is the daddy, Strongbad.

ok, Here is me, Sophia, Anna & the new baby. Doesn't she look just like a puppy? 
And, yes, it's April, & my girls are dressed for winter. It was mighty cold that morning! :) 

Sophia & Anna petting the new baby.... & the mom, Gloria, watching close, so that don't try anything funny with her precious baby!

Oh so cute! Welcome to the farm Smores Spots Schumacher! :) 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

When it's cold out- CREATE!

I am all for snuggling on the couch under loads of blankets, but at some point we all need to get up & do something!!! (& for the record, they don't let me sit down, oh no, :) there is always something I should be getting them )

even Brutis finds a good spot to snuggle & stay warm

We threw in some paper mache on Sun. Anna LOVED the gooey, Sophia, not so much. She kept running to the bathroom to wash her hands, anytime some got on her fingers!!!!

A sewing kit we put together, after we bought the book Sewing School  
there are projects in here that the girls can DO, even at the ages of 5 & 3.

Here Sophia has taken the hat project & given it her own little twist- a pig mask :)
Oh sis we laugh when we took this pic & it looked like Anna is spanking the pig hahahah

Here she is in action, drawing templates, cutting & sewing on patches & ribbon that Grandma Opal contributed to her sewing kit. I am learning right along with her... I do not have the patients at the moment & tend to get frustrated on my sewing projects that she assigns me :)