Here are a few pics from Christmas Eve. Such a wonderful, fun night. Vance built fires in the fireplace. They smell & sound so good!!! We had a beautiful dinner - Vance grilled HUGE steaks on our little George Foreman. The only way to grill with below 0 temps!! Warm house, great food, & our little fam, healthy & happy.... for the most part. Anna bannana had an ear infection, & all was happy.....
Until the meltdowns. 3 yr olds are really smart. The whole concept of momentum building for a month for 1 days events, just doesn't sit well with Sophia. She thinks the "Kissmus tee" is here to stay & the concept of it having to come down, brought her to tears today. She also asks "Is there presents today?... and cake?" Which I have to reply "no sweetheart" again, bringing her to tears. Ugh. I realized this yr too, that the joy seemed to be in the unwrapping . We did get a few "this is the best present ever" Said about the gifts: an 8 pk of lip balms & a 10 pk of "undiepants" :) Next yr I might just try & wrap any old thing & just see the reaction. hee hee
New year's eve is Wed & we are going to have a little present.... & cake!!!!!!! :)